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Inviting Comments on the Draft National Policy for Women 2016
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
May 17, 2016
अंतिम तिथि :
Jun 21, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Nearly a decade and half has passed since the National Policy for Empowerment of Women, 2001 was formulated. Since then significant strides in global technology and information ...
CISF data reveals 95% of pickpockets caught on Delhi Metro are women
Mr Modi..Policies can't be made without knowing ground reality. Go to courts & talk to boys there who r struck up in false 498a, DV cases, rape cases. Law treats husband just like ATM machines. Even court says that 498a is legal terrorism and today youth belief in institution of marriage has destroyed due to biased gender laws. Check reality and ur women centric policies will further ruin our lives. Number of false 498a, DV & rape cases r growing day by day. Please make gender neutral policies
Men are in Danger because of cunning women are killing men for taking insurance claim by makijg fake and false death certificates of their husbands to claim insurance value of the life of the husbands.
Please stop such practices in India and kindly start giving values to Men also.
Respected Goverment india is already suffering many kind of gender bais laws which is favour only Bhau and against husbands and their familes in which that women also comes whose relate to husband . Why law obey women only bhahu . Husbands is doing sucice because there is many gender bais laws which favour wife . Husband have no entitle for their children and childrens are growing without their father. If our government want to make law they should be gender nuterly law. plz dont favr only women
Congress government was bias towards a particular caste and neglected others so this NDA government is bias towards a particular gender and neglecting others I feel they are following Congress so eventually they'll meet the same fate if they do not correct their mindset. No gender discrimination should be there.
Respected Prime Minister and Law Makers..
I strongly oppose the one sided laws and policies made by governments that is destroying the roots of family system of India and even killing males in India..
Please don't neglect your responsibility for Mens also..
We men have also voted for making the government of India and contributed in building the nation of India more than each woman born in India.
We work for nation and we save the nation without getting any benifits from Govt.
Sir, all our history books & manuals praise many brave hearted women- almost all would have had an enabling childhood with parents who inculcated in them belief in the self, self respect, patience, respect & trust in peers & the sagacity to accept their limitations. We should first strengthen our grass roots system where basic health & education is provided to all girls, a committed village health worker to monitor the families. Similar protocol of child monitors should be assigned in cities too
Entire policy is nothing but discriminatory to the entire Male/Boy Gender. Which progressive nations talks about selective breeding, sterilization, all benefits for the growth, education and development of girls, females and women only. Are we conducting official Genocide amongst our very own people. Is this selective development not unlike Nazism of Germany. Are try to propagate that only Females/Women are the Supreme Gender who needs all the possible care, attention and resources to develop
Why there is no punishment for adulterous women in India when she equally responsible for the illegal relationship?
Why men are always neglected by the Government and Bureaucracy for empowering them jointly with women?
Why men are becoming a forgotten gender in the eyes of all law makers and policy makers for humans?
Men are human too please dont neglect the presence of men...