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People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 21, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Feb 06, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
In order to infuse more transparency into budget making exercise and to have people as partners to the process of budget making, Ministry of Finance has decided to invite ...
Japan recently reduced interest rates to negative. Please google Japan negative interest rates. A high salaried family in India buys a flat of one crore in India have to pay 1 lakh mortgage EMI every month out of which 75000 is just interest. If interest rates are halfed they can use 37000 a month for better education of children and better health care. India we have cash based economy, we buy every consumable items on cash. In developed world it is credit based economy.
Respected Sir,
Every govt has priorities of vote bank. Always worried about pay commision. But nothing is for pvt. Job holders. None of govt. Is worried about how they are surviving in this time of price rising. The worse concept of contract system came in to pvt. Sector also. Here govt. Need to set policies about common contractual worker in pvt. Or contractual resource.
there should be a separate monitoring system to monitor rented house/office income its also count as blackmoney
हर भारतीय की चल अचल संपत्ति का सम्पूर्ण ब्यौरा आधार कार्ड द्वारा भारत सरकार के पास होना चाहिए और आधार कार्ड को पैन कार्ड से लिंक किया जाना चाहिए (जिनके पास पैन कार्ड हो) अन्यथा आधार कार्ड जो एक अस्थाई पैन कार्ड रूप में काम भी कर सके जिसके द्वारा उस व्यक्ति द्वारा प्रतिवर्ष अचल संपत्ति की वृद्धि का पता चलेगा और आयकर की चौरी रुकेगी और आभूषण की खरीद पर पैन कार्ड या आधार कार्ड अनिवार्य होना चाहिए। एक आधार या पैन कार्ड पर जीवनकाल में कुछ सीमित आभूषण खरीद पर आयकर में एक बार छूट का प्रावधन होना चाहिए।
The first priority should be the clearing of the judicial backlog. We currently have a 466 year backlog. "When you are shot in the foot you don't try to ensure that each bodypart gets equal attention , you focus on the foot " . A lot of the money can be taken out of the defense spend . Most of the funds for the military hardly get used anyway.
Dear Arunji,
I request you to consider the requirement of higher education in the budget. To be more specific increase the stipend to non-NET scholars. By withdraw this, govt want to show that we have committed mistake by being in higher studies. Withdrawing this meager stipend will be atrocious in nature.I don't understand, How the govt got the money to recapitalize banks who have wishfully let the public money turned into bad debt without letting anyone held accountable. n no money 4 us?
Income tax base and tax rate should be changed to make it more progressive. Tax base should be 5 lacs and provision under 80C must increase to boost saving and investment. Tax net should also spread up to include agricultural sector and Hilly states with some concessions.
The Government should plan to use the civil societies for implementing our Government plans & polices. The NGO has the capacity to implement this at grass root level.
Food Security: PM knows that the best way to remove the poverty is to provide an opportunity to poor for earning a respectable living through jobs. But, if we provide free or subsidized food, why anybody will have incentive to earn a decent living.
Provide the service to purchasing a government bonds, Debenture and other government products through online under the "QUOTA SYSTEM" with the slogan of "SABKA SAATH-- DESH KA VIKAS"
MNERGA and Food security: Govt. is committing a blunder by owning up these flawed schemes. MNERGA didn’t create any durable assets. It inflated rural wages & adversely impacted agriculture.I know family who stopped cultivation because they can neither pay high wage to daily labors nor can buy a tractor. If we are keeping MNERGA, at least make sure that it is linked to some asset creation like check dam or skill training. Pl. tie up with industries like textiles which can impart training.