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People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget
![People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/mygov_1451459458190667.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 21, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Feb 06, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
In order to infuse more transparency into budget making exercise and to have people as partners to the process of budget making, Ministry of Finance has decided to invite ...
Some experts say that any cut in personal income tax will impact fiscal health. They don’t understand our society. For example, if Govt. cuts personal income tax by 1 lakh Crores, then people will put at least 30K crores in savings which will help banks. If people spend rest of the 70k Crores, then Govt., will earn around 20% on sales & other taxes. Since this will also boost consumption, industry earning will improve and Govt's corporate tax revenue will also improve & it will create jobs also.
Small fund approx 250 crore should be allocated for developing a New type of MEDICAL CITY Which will be loaded to all types of equipments or tools those are in international hospital. These M-City should be Green BELT And to be a combination of homeopathy,allopathy, Ayurved and YOGA Etc. On reliable fees (optional). With out having a fee we can create a money for the expenditure on it.I know..
These M-City should be developed At every 200 km. If the TRIAL of this type of Project is Successful.
Govt. is failing to meet disinvestment target because of combination of incompetency(for strategic sale) & market condition. Instead of removing obstacles, it’s sad to hear that Govt. is planning to lower the disinvestment target. If Govt. would have been close to the disinvestment target, then it wasn't reqd to raise the excise duty on fuel for past couple of months. So, pl. go for high target of disinvestment & simplify the process so that the target can be achieved & cut the excise on fuel.
Hi, I feel there have to be different levels of taxation systems(central,state and city/town taxes).The central tax money is for central govt funding,state tax for state govt and the city/town tax for the municipal corporations.With this, every city/town/state does not have to depend on state/central govt for all funding.Upcoming/underdeveloped states can have lower taxes compared to developed states to increase production. Also,bigger cities can have more taxes to promote smaller/tier-2 cities.
Tax on individual saving: The concept of cutting the tax means less tax revenue is a flawed concept. Govt. needs to be bold. It should remove tax on saving for individual not for companies if the lock in period is more than one year for every scheme starting from FD to Debt funds to NSC to stock markets. This will encourage savings. Govt. doesn’t need to support the banks by providing more than 25k Crores to fulfill Basil norms etc.
My suggestion is regarding " NEW POWER GENERATION METHODS IN INDIA". One of the Major problem our Country facing is lack of Power (Electricity). We are still depending on Conventional sources or Fossil Fuels like COAL, Gas etc.Solar energy and wind energy we are using but the type of energy system I am proposing is producing ELECTRICITY BY USING WASTE HEAT.I did this as my M Tech Project just as a case study. For creation of 1MW power we need 10 to 11 Crores we can get the invested money in 3Yrs
(1) RAIL trap should be developed in north east Bihar for linking north east state to national capital and to enhance our strength against disturbing elements internally or externally. So we can see this issue BY funding on infrastructure of railway. (2) We can allocate a fund on new type of boarding schools for specially orphan child..where these child can study & we can enhance their skills according a need of nation. Like we can prepare him for THE Game of "OLYMPICS" From the initial stage.
my suggestion is regarding national security issue. In my opinion there must be IT department to stop fake ID's to issue SIM card. There must be a common platform where the data of DL,passport, voter card, aadhar card of each and every citizen is stored. So we can easily and fastly identify the fake ones.
Health insurence should be mendatory for every family who is capable.
Please provide more money for the new invention in technology & farmers