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People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget
![People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/mygov_1451459458190667.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 21, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Feb 06, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
In order to infuse more transparency into budget making exercise and to have people as partners to the process of budget making, Ministry of Finance has decided to invite ...
please give insurance for physically handicap people
1. please tax agricultural income fully as other income.
2. please tax income of religious bodies/temples/temple-trustees etc. with exemption of benevolent activities.
3. please enhance primary exemption of 250000.00 with inflation indexation.
Deserving is wrong. If you could spare a day be in disguise and visit the unpleasant hospitality of doctors there. I am sure you would change your idea on clean India to mannerful government hospitals.
Sir today I went to rml hospital in new Delhi. Understanding how tough it is for staff to manage the masses I saw how rude doctor were there with the patients. An eye doctor was treating the patients at the worst. You are not charging much from patients but they do deserve respect. If doctors are perfect in their profession then they are least concern with basic mannerism. We talk about clean India but a country where doctors have attitude that only middle class people come who are least respect
Dear Sir please empathise with the Defence personnel the uniform personnel. It is not a good idea to cut ration. Enhance facilities, there are hardly few people who opt to sacrifice for country now a days that to for a job. Make Defence a lucrative option. Deter the beurocrats to keep away the defence forces towards nation building
Need to revolutionalise the villages where india Lives, smart cities will not not develop India. Rather Smart villages are required. Allocate fbudget for PURA ie providing urban amenities in Rural areas model by Dr Kalam
2.Its high time to allocate sufficiently on health sector. India spends about 4.05 % of GDP in health which is much lower than world average of 10%.
3. Need to allocate more on research as future is dependent on a knowldge society roghtly told by Dr Kalam
Hi sir, I am Sandip lad.I am physically handicapped.disabled people face a lot of difficulties in train even In reserved coach of disabled people as normal people also get into coach. Some people who are raiways employees try to get the benefit of it and travel safely in reserved coach of disabled people. Plz do the needful for it
sir....i want say somting aboout [Sawach Bharat Abhiyan] can we install utter for remind public dont throw garbage in public place......install utter in eg,trains,railway stations.hospitals,bus,stations, or other crouded places
Other methods worth incorporation in budget
1. Allocate money so that all indians can have free e mail on india site nic.in and Indain based Socail media. This will revolutionize digital India, curb problem of spying and social media security
2.To fight corruption ensure transfer of personal between departments regularly
3.Allocate money for usages of camera across the length and bredth of country.