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People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 21, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Feb 06, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
In order to infuse more transparency into budget making exercise and to have people as partners to the process of budget making, Ministry of Finance has decided to invite ...
सभी शासकीय विभाग अपने कार्मिकों हेतु बस सुविधा बहाल कराये । इससे सड़क पर भीड़ कम होगी ।
स्कूलों मे नए टायलेट बनवाने के बजाय पहले बने टायलेट्स को चालू कराया जाये ।
रेल प्लेटफार्मों पर महिला टाइलेट की सुविधा हो ।
There should be less than 5% tax in education
In villages/city misuse of budget is seen. some work start and they not complete in 3-4 years and their utilization is not proper and again after 1-2 year again invest on same assets. Make a liability on working agency or officers than the assign work is not useless. now a days in villages hand pump made for 1-2 family and more family wait for water. 1-2 family misuse of water and the assets thus the same type of other assets which use for a small persons /family so make mind on it.
पैंट्रीकार को सभी ट्रेनों मे बंद कराया जाये ।
Modiji,Please announce the smart agri villeges as smart city concept is announced for the development of the cities.
Smart agri villeges which could help mainly the poor farmers and to bring improvement in agriculture process in backward areas.Govt should facitilate #UnionBudget
the neccessary materials,finance and other things that would needed.Bring the involvement of youth(both rural and urban) and assure the
work for 365 days. so that farmer will get the direct benfit.
नमामि गंगे योजना मे वित्त के बजाय और अधिक जन भागीदारी बढ़ाई जाये । स्थानीय केवटों को 'जल दारोगा' बनाया जाये ।
I have a suggestion for supporting Crop insurance for Farmers.. please checkout my attached pdf file.. thanks
To. Honorary Prime Minister of India.
Kind att’n: Mr. N.D.Modi.—
date: 4/02/2016 www. Pmhouse.com
Sub: comments on forthcoming Central Budget for the year 216-16
To encourage professional of their honesty & integrity in jobs, a token benefits to be given to the following professionals.
1. Medical professional:
a) All the Doctor who do practice to the ailing patients ,should revalue their licenses of practice as per