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People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 21, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Feb 06, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
In order to infuse more transparency into budget making exercise and to have people as partners to the process of budget making, Ministry of Finance has decided to invite ...
Request to look into the appeal of Chronic Kidney patients access to disability coaches of Mumbai's Local Trains
#union Budget Subject: Introduction of “Zero Income Tax Concept
Suggestion Regarding Tax Audit under Income Tax Act,
I would like to suggest if it is possible, Government should introduce two levels of submission for the taxpayer to whom tax audit is compulsory.
1) At first level due date for submission of financial statements should be prescribed which may be 30th june after the end of the relevant financial year.
2) At second level due date for submission of tax audit report should be prescribed which may be 30th September.
Please ban conversion of religious persons in to other religions leaving own religions.
2.scrutinise all converted Hindus who were Hindus before SC ST getting benefits of reservations but converted to other religion but fraudulently getting same benefits under reservation for Hindu SC ST.
3.The ban on jobs education to converted Hindus will stop conversion by christens who are converting Hindu SC ST but they are taking share of others SC ST
My suggestion for Union Budget 2016:
1.Remove personal Income tax and increase corporate tax.
2.Remove PDS name in Kerosene and make it free for all with a price tag of 30/- litre
3.Impose Bank Transaction tax of 1% on all bank transactions and remove all fees service charges.
4.When we are facing problems to regulate GST why not we merge all taxes at central level and make it a single tax
I think like SAVE THE TIGER mission,its time to start a new mission SAVE THE ARBITRAGEURS of the financial markets of india.Its high time we should take a step becoz 80% of arbitrageurs have lost their job nd more following after the implementation of COMMODITY TRANSACTION TAX (CTT) on trading in commodities.We feel neglected and looked down at,but we r doing a noble job by analysing and helping people to invest nd fight inflation.I request,to temove the CTT,since it gave no return to d govt.
this year budget in focus of
1 ) fashion market
2 ) automobile flied developed fast
3 ) food product price low.
4 ) land development price low.
5 ) tax payable to businessman department. condition
6 ) education student to provide job.
dear sir,
this budget is totally free in tax of poor family...3,00,000/- income to free tax.
Introduction Of Zero Income Tax Concept
Bring edication insurance scheme.