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People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 21, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Feb 06, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
In order to infuse more transparency into budget making exercise and to have people as partners to the process of budget making, Ministry of Finance has decided to invite ...
Put 1 rs. Tax on per litre of petrol/diesel and exempt old people above 65 from filling income tax.
Hi greeting to all Indian
Change old INR into a new INR(High value,if possible)(stop to use the old physical currency after 2k17)Use only banks for exchanging old Physical INR(allow including the conversion of black money into new INR as white money(digital money) only for PAN/Bank Account holders(income-tax to be collected for conversion of old physical INR as per slab rates.This will help us change all black money in white money for a better Indian in future.Any Ques ? , Ask !#MyGov
#Raising Revenues to plug Fiscal Deficit
Govt. can increase revenues by increasing the passport fees to Rs 2000 (present Rs 1500) as people who uses them wont mind coughing up Rs 500 more and stop increasing excise duties on petrol/diesel to plug fiscal deficit as it increases inflation and there will be not much decrease in oil prices this year.
Annual Passport Issue last year around 1.25 crores so by even Rs 500 increase, Govt. can easily garner close to 625 crores
Dears sir,
Aa agricultural is one of imp area, can we have some budget to develop our one seeds. As market is having varieties of seeds but may cost more than rs. 800 to rs.1000. If we develop our own seeds, we can make it available to farmers in rs.100 to rs.150. Due to this also we can reduce the subsidiaries on it. Farmers will be happy as they will get in low cost and govn will get benifits by reducing subsidiaries. Due to this farmers will start becoming independent.
Maintenance of parents
In our Inida so many family’s are middle class familly.If person are supporting to his familly.If his/her parents are not earing or earing very less and other familly member also not having that much of income to support family then such case person (who is tax payer and supporting to parent )his /her some part of income should be consider tax exemption
Example Please find Singapore Maintenance of parents description for more information.
As the Govt. is looking to raise money from disinvestment in Public sector companies, there is a opportunity to raise money by converting Lease hold properties in Chandigarh to free hold which are occupied by common man. Chandigarh Administration can easily garner between 2000 to 3000 crores. Chandigarh Administration is the owner of properties.
Types of leasehold properties:
Small Booths (30 Sq.yds), SCOs,SCFs, Industrial plots, residential flats.
please look into it.
Dear Sir,
Could you please provide Medical loans for the persons who is suffering from diseases which needs more money for the treatment. Example Bone Marrow Transplant, Kidney Transplant etc.,
This will help the families which can afford to take loan and treat their beloved ones.
Kindly consider this request in the present budget.
Though our country is striving all it's efforts towards sustainable fuel and alternatives. Can the Government also focus on small steps -- by providing cheap solar panels for homes, societies, own houses and by instructing & encouraging the real estate to provide the solar panels so that house/flats etc can tap solar power. This will reduce the dependency over non-perennial sources of energy generation and will help in reducing the carbon emission.
Proposal for establishment of Indian Institutes of Resource Economics, Austerity methodology & Development
There is an urgent need to establish some educational & Research Institutes for studies and education on Resource Economics, Austerity methodologies & Development. This will help to perform optimal resource utilization, prevention of wastage, propagation of austerity methodologies & over all development, alleviating poverty, hunger, disease, in-education&unemployment.Read More..
Proposal for establishment of Indian Institutes of Resource Economics, Austerity methodology & Development
There is an urgent need to establish some educational & Research Institutes for studies and education on Resource Economics, Austerity methodologies & Development. This will help to perform optimal resource utilization, prevention of wastage, propagation of austerity methodologies & over all development, alleviating poverty, hunger, disease, in-education & unemployment.