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People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget

People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 21, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Feb 06, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
प्रस्तुतियाँ समाप्त हो चुके

In order to infuse more transparency into budget making exercise and to have people as partners to the process of budget making, Ministry of Finance has decided to invite ...

In order to infuse more transparency into budget making exercise and to have people as partners to the process of budget making, Ministry of Finance has decided to invite suggestions for Budget.

फिर से कायम कर देना
6633 सबमिशन दिखा रहा है
Srilatha TC
Srilatha TC 9 साल 1 day पहले

The future challenge of the world is - food. Look at agriculture with a different view. India can become the provider of food to the world. Instead of joining the rat race in industrialisation where possibility of more unemployment, develop agricultural industry. Introduce healthy cultivation habits by educating farmers. Use technology for food production, quality improvement, education, communication. Feed India. Feed the world. Jai Hind.

ujjwala siddheshwar gavhane_1
ujjwala siddheshwar gavhane_1 9 साल 1 day पहले

Maintenance of parents

In our Inida so many family’s are middle class familly.If person are supporting to his familly.If his/her parents are not earing or earing very less and other familly member also not having that much of income to support family then such case person (who is tax payer and supporting to parent )his /her some part of income should be consider tax exemption
Example Please find Singapore Maintenance of parents description

Mohan Rakesh Aggarwal 9 साल 1 day पहले

There is no dedicated safe place for the little children's (under 10 years) where they can play, ride bicycles and other outdoor activities. I think in today's digital age when our new generation is concentrating lot of their time in Indoor activities (watching TV, Playing games on Mobiles, Computers) and doing no physical activities. I think for the physical fitness of our new generation we needs to

Rajesh Chauhan_10
Rajesh Kumar 9 साल 1 day पहले

#Budget प्रधानमंत्री जी, इस बार के आम बजट मेँ आपकी सरकार को सरकारी दायरे मेँ आते स्कुलो, अस्पतालो, खासतौर पर गाँवो और छोटे कस्बो के, जोकि अभी तक आधुनिक सुविधाओ को तरस रहे है, कि तरफ ज्यादा ध्यान देना चाहिए। आज हमारे देश मेँ बहुत से ऐसे गाँव होँगे जहाँ पर लोगो को प्राथमिक उपचार की कोई सुविधा नहीँ होगी, इसके लिए पूरे देश मेँ सर्वेक्षण होना चाहिए। राज्य सरकारो को भी इसके लिए केँद्र सरकार की सहायता करनी चाहिए।
आम बजट मे प्राइवेट सैक्टर मे काम करने वालो का भी ख्याल रखना।

Premnath V
Premnath V 9 साल 1 day पहले

Dear Sir,
I would like to suggest development of Government run mineral water packaging industry(Even say supported by funds from MNREGA scheme) all over the country. The practice in Tamil Nadu called Ámma Water' has been really helpful in getting a quality 1 litre water bottle at Rs 10. MNC s have been exploiting the public by selling water at around Rs 20. To ensure health safety by providing pure mineral water at low margins will help in improving the health as well as generate employment.

Nishant Agarwalla
Nishant Agarwalla 9 साल 1 day पहले

sir,in this budget every sector should be faciliated with net banking whether private or public because
everyone has now smartphone ,
if not every registered office public,private
registered shops,mallsetc
should be provided with smart phone
in order to carry on with net banking
each and everyone once interracted with net banking
the transaction will be through bank
and it will reduce corruption and increase digitalisation

Nishant Agarwalla
Nishant Agarwalla 9 साल 1 day पहले

sir,in this budget every sector should be faciliated with net banking whether private or public because
everyone has now smartphone ,
if not every registered office public,private
registered shops,mallsetc
should be provided with smart phone
in order to carry on with net banking
each and everyone once interracted with net banking
the transaction will be through bank
and it will reduce corruption and increase digitalisation

Nishant Agarwalla
Nishant Agarwalla 9 साल 1 day पहले

sir,in this budget every sector should be faciliated with net banking whether private or public because
everyone has now smartphone ,
if not every registered office public,private
registered shops,mallsetc
should be provided with smart phone
in order to carry on with net banking
each and everyone once interracted with net banking
the transaction will be through bank
and it will reduce corruption and increase digitalisation

Nishant Agarwalla
Nishant Agarwalla 9 साल 1 day पहले

sir,in this budget every sector should be faciliated with net banking whether private or public because
everyone has now smartphone ,
if not every registered office public,private
registered shops,mallsetc
should be provided with smart phone
in order to carry on with net banking
each and everyone once interracted with net banking
the transaction will be through bank
and it will reduce corruption and increase digitalisation