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People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 21, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Feb 06, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
In order to infuse more transparency into budget making exercise and to have people as partners to the process of budget making, Ministry of Finance has decided to invite ...
#BUDGET 2016-17
Proposal for Centralization of Public Health Engineering Departments & Nigams.
Water Supply & Sewerage has been a State subject and the departments are like U.P. JAL NIGAM, Uttarakhand Peyjal Nigam, Tamil Nadu Water & Sewerage Board & in some States Public Health Engineering Departments. This is a subject where uniformity of actions would really matter & so the central guidance could be meaningful, especially in the State like Uttar Pradesh,
Read More........
Res P.M.
as per my opinion lot of people sleep outside near renowned hospitals in cities who are there for their patient. so offer persons to build like dharmashala for their short term shelter and for construction cost give them assurance that no enquiry from tax department for construction expenses like source of money etc.
Res PM
to fight pollution we need antipollution trees like peepal, neem etc our forest are mostly covered with least utility tree kabli kikkar
u can ask industries to pay volunteer for this process of removing kabli kikar and planting peepal, neem etc
like cylinder subsidy u can ask people to pay for water like 1 or 2 ltr/day in their water bill for nurturing these trees
the more of such trees the less pollution in terms of dust, air, noise etc and a healthy nation
hope it reaches you
किसान आत्महत्या नहीं करेंगे ~ माननीय मोदी जी, मेरा एक ऐसा सुझाव है की यदि उसे बजट में अपना लिया जाय तो मैं दावे से कह सकता हूँ की देश में एक भी किशन आत्महत्या नहीं करेगा। मैंने स्टेट बैंक में 35 साल सेवा की है औ हमेशा किसानों के बीच रहा हूँ। उन्हें क्यों मजबूर होना पड़ता है आत्म हत्या के लिए यह चर्चा बहुत हुई लेकिन सब बेकार रहीं। मेरी पास जो सुझाव है उससे सरकार, बैंक , बजट पर कोई नकारात्मक प्रभाव नहीं पड़ेगा। सिर्फ किसानो की आत्महत्याएं रुक जाएँगी। कोई जिम्मेदार अधिकारी मेरी सुनेगा।
Dear Sir, Please take into account some of noteworthy suggestions for the upcoming Finance budget 2016-17 which is attached herewith in a pdf file. #BUDGET
Thanks & Regards
CA Akash Pincha,
In LED govt has started procurement system and rates came down to Rs 65/bulb. Now govt planning the same for Agri water pumps. The same system can be applied for below products 1)LED street lights 2)Agri solar water pumps 3)Super efficient fans and also for DC current fans 4)Solar water heater 5)Solar concentrating parabolic system for cooking and air conditioning or for heating 6)GEO thermal for air conditioning
Please see attached
Resp PM Sir, "Digital Class Theatre"-DCT, Integrate Education and Technology by establishing digital theatres in District places specially in Tier II & Tier III cities to screen the digital content, a theatre with 5 screens can show diff subjects and its developments to 1000's of school students at a time. The same facility can used for video conferencing as it is difficult to get experts to these cities. Its costly for individual school to invest, Pl Provide Budget #Budget, #UnionBudget,
Keep Budget provision for Extra General Bogies in Trains :-- While moving towards Bullets trains, we need to provide the least facilities to passengers in General Bogies. The passengers in General bogies should get at least seats to sit . All the trains are having 2 to 3 general bogies. The condition of passengers General Bogies is worst in most of the Trains. It is required to increase numbers of General Bogies in trains after proper study of passenger traffic on the routes.
Fiscal measures to control inflation include taxation, government expenditure and public borrowings. The government can also take some protectionist measures (such as banning the export of essential items such as pulses, cereals and oils to support the domestic consumption, encourage imports by lowering duties on import items etc.).
Since inflation in India is caused by many factors, a mix of aforesaid measures is necessary.
Dear sir,
Here are my few suggestion for national interest.
-Increase of Digital India by promoting cashless transactions for amount more than 25K
-Limiting the subsidies on basis of requirement
-Promoting of Solar energy to reduce oil dependency
-Increasing custom duty and reducing excise duty to promote Make in India
-Schemes for only two child policy & encouraging rebates in taxes for people with 2 childs
-Increase in tax slab upto 5 lacs and tax saving schemes to boost savings