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Smart City Amritsar

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Oct 05, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Nov 16, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Amritsar - ‘The Holy City of India’ has been selected among 3 cities for implementing Smart City project in Punjab and is gaining momentum to get shortlisted in the final round ...
our city can smart if their are educated person in the city, so we have good collage and school which have all the facility. their should not be castisem. all religion should have respect. have to save all historical places
smart city mean, city roads are well maintained and clean, city should be clean, having good railway track, rain water drain system and consumed system should be good. Tree should not cut their should be more tress
karamdeep kaur 9th ghs quilla jiwan singh
my dream is that my city should be clean and clear . the wastage of over city have to placed on proper place. no broken roads and useing good tecneuqe to buil raods
karamjit kaur 9th ghs quilla jiwan singh
i want my city smart , it have more and more plants so that our environment should be clean, no wastage over the city
akashdeep singh 9th ghs quilla jiwan singh
our city can smart if their are educated person in the city, so we have good collage and school which have all the facility. their should not be castisem. all religion should have respect. have to save all historical places
Varinder singh smart city mean, city roads are well maintained and clean, city should be clean, having good railway track, rain water drain system and consumed system should be good. Tree should not cut their should be more tress
komalpreet 9th ghs quilla jiwan singh
smart city mean, rain water drain system and consumed system should be good. Tree should not cut their should be more tress, their should be light system over the road in night and also aashmeen kaur 9th ghs quilla jiwan singh
my dream of smart city that their should any wastage all over the city. their should not drug abused. hard law to end the drug abuse. if there in the city any person will get the promise to not taking drug abuse . our city should be smart city
harmeet kaur (9th ghs quilla jiwan singh)
my dream i want to see my city smart for that for that their should be well maintain the water system. good road , no wastage , light system over the roads so a human being save accidents, more plants, no drug taking person.
gurpinder kaur 9th ghs quilla jiwan singh
my dream of smart city that their should any wastage all over the city. their should not drug abused. hard law to end the drug abuse. if there in the city any person will get the promise to not taking drug abuse . our city should be smart city
virpal kaur (9th ghs quilla jiwan singh)
smart city mean, city roads are well maintained and clean, city should be clean, having good railway track, rain water drain system and consumed system should be good. Tree should not cut their should be more tress
komalpreet 9th ghs quilla jiwan singh
The galiara scheme should be extended upto the 12 gates of old city.Punch line for logo--Amritsar sifti da ghar.Vision statement-Amritsar,the holiest heart.Suggestion - Dear Mr. Modi ji,please allow duty free import of electric car LEAF by Nissan,so that we Indians may live in a pollution free environment!