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Smart City Lucknow

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 29, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Dec 05, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Lucknow is the capital city of the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. A major metropolitan city of India. It is the second largest city in north and central India after Delhi. Lucknow ...
For making city smart following measures should be followed strictly :
1. The first condition is to free encroachment.
The encroachment should be removed and concerned Police Station should be given responsibility for maintaining encroachment free status.
The traffic in lucknow needs to be regulated as there are so many people not only violating the rules but also contributing to the number of road accidents hence the number of cctv cameras should be increased with a central monitoring system.
encroachments on the road specially in areas of old lucknow must be removed permanently.No one should be allowed digging up roads and must be fined immediately. cleanliness on roads and other public places must be ensured
And Yes Atleast one IIT in Lucknow
1. Urban waste management techniques to be developed in such a way that the concerned authority is able to monitor and manage the amount of waste generated in a particular area and provide a comprehensive system to individuals to segregate and dispose off their waste without it getting accumulated in one place.
2. E-filing to be made compulsory in every sector to reduce paper consumption.
A very important issue is also there and without it our city cannot become a smart city from an ordinary one.
SECURITY. Without it nobody can even think about the reformation of a normal city into smart one.
Me too is a part of lucknow and want it to be on the top in each and every aspect.
Security of everything is required. Theft is very common now-a-days. Parents restrict themselves to send there girl child out after sunset.
I hope u'll understand and make the things clear.
Lucknow Smart City by Nitin Yadav
Conservation of electricity.
CCTV cameras after half kms each.Police force to be more vigilant.
Lucknow should have following facilities to make it the BEST city in INDIA--
1.proper traffic norms to be followed
2.Cleanliness should be maintained both indoors as well as outdoors.
3.Congestion and traffic blockages should be reduced.
4.More trees to be planted.
5.pollution should be reduced
1. Biometric attendence should be made compulsary in all the gov officeses & this should be done thrice in a working day i.e. arrival, recess & departure.
2. Cameras should be installed in all the gov officeses to keep an eye on the employes.
3. Proper and covered drainage system, rainwater harvesting, proper roads & traffic and street lights should be there. Proper disposal of garbage is also mandatory.
4. Restrict the excessive use of polythenes.
These will help lko to become a smart city.
1. Traffic lights and street lights can be solar powered.
2. One should follow traffic rules and traffic signalling should be such that it monitors the traffic and regulates accordingly. Automation required but its already in use in foreign countries.
3. Separate lanes for the buses but on such narrow roads i guess not possible. So suggestion is, if underground roadways can be made.
4. CCTV cameras monitoring every road and not just major crossings.