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Smart City Lucknow

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 29, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Dec 05, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Lucknow is the capital city of the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. A major metropolitan city of India. It is the second largest city in north and central India after Delhi. Lucknow ...
Underground and multi storied parking places should be constructed to ease parking issues because the number of cars will only increase with time. Similarly, public transport vehicles like autos and rickshaws should also have designated parking places when not plying as these are haphazardly parked on footpaths and in residential areas which cause inconvenience to people and also cause traffic problems. A smart city should also be a good looking city.
Please find my 30 ideas/suggestions in the document attached for evolving Lucknow into a smart city.
CCTV cameras should be installed in important and crime prone areas of the city. More policemen should be inducted in the force and given better equipment and vehicles to patrol the city. No city can become modern and smart if there is a lot of crime and people feel unsafe. Citizens should be rewarded handsomely for reporting illegal activities. Power theft should be completely stopped, this can be done by taking police force along. Lucknow will have no power cut if illegal conn are closed.
1. Flyovers & Underpasses should be constructed for better traffic management.
2. Proper ducting of utility services like Electricity and Telephone lines.
3. Wifi Internet is needed for better communication.
4. There is a need to streamline the transportation system for convenience of common people.
5. Ramp, Elevators and escalator are needed everywhere for disabled and senior citizens.
6. All Civic amenities should be under 1 umbrella.
7. Drainage and sewage system should be improved.
Even though it is educational hub but there is no job opportunity.Govt must focus on it so that there should not be too much brain drain from Lucknow.
Any public infrastructure work which is done should be done by professional and skilled engineers and workers. Currently even if a things like laying footpaths, building drains, roads, parks etc are done, they are done in a very poor and substandard way which causes good work to look bad after construction. For example roads will not be leveled, drains will not have good slope, footpath will be not be leveled, electricity poles and wires installed badly, dangling wires look bad and are dangerous
Liquor should be banned
Plantation tree on road side to make city pollutio free
Senior citizens and specially able people should be provided better amenities in public places like bus stops, railway stations and at malls etc so that they can go around the city in a dignified manner. More low floor buses should be brought in and for differently able people, required amenities like wheelchairs, easy access should be made mandatory by the administrators of the related place.
Central should take lucknow for smart city for better future of india