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Smart City Lucknow

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 29, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Dec 05, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Lucknow is the capital city of the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. A major metropolitan city of India. It is the second largest city in north and central India after Delhi. Lucknow ...
There are many beggars at Polytechnic road near by wave multiplex.These are small little kids from 3years+.I feel we talk about many thing we face many problems and want resolutions.But what the governments doing about these kids.Government come and go,ministers change but no one thing about them.
Please I really think that we all should try to end this.
There are too many engineering colleges in city but even though there is no national or international fame like IIM Lucknow .Either Govt develop any college to national repute or pursue to open IIT .
All the skill based workers like plumbers, electricians, carpenters, masons, housemaids/helps, cooks, gardeners, labourers, painters, mechanics, etc should be COMPULSORILY be registered and given ID cards without which they should not be allowed to work within the city. A central agency in the city should employ these workers and provide them work assignments as per people's requirements. Citizens should be able to contact the agency through phone or website and ask for a worker to be sent.
Every Police station should have facility of Whatsapp and Video calling.
Every smart city around the world promotes the habit of walking by providing clear and broad footpaths on both sides of the road. This eases traffic on the road and also makes people healthy as they walk instead of driving. In Lucknow, the footpaths have either been encroached upon, or are damaged, or not in continuity or even absent in most places. Vendors should be removed from footpaths and given alternate places to sell their items where they do not become a hindrance to people who walk.
Cleanliness plays an important role for a city become smart. So we the citizens of Lucknow should speed awareness about cleanliness and take part in some cleanliness activities.
Sewer an drainage system should be improved.
Law and order should be improved by recruiting more policemen and installing cameras.
1.Mobile payments. Everywhere. For food, apparel and public transportation.
2.Water-recycling systems, because while water covers 70% of the earth, we're not preserving the resource the way we should.
3.All-digital and easy-to-use parking payment systems.We don't want to put receipts on the dashboard or be confined to time limits
1.App or social media-based emergency alert and crisis response systems — every citizen should have access to vital information. Whether it's an alert about a crime that just happened or advice for a storm approaching the city.
2.Roofs covered with solar panels or gardens. You could even generate solar energy on bike paths
3.Widespread use of traffic rerouting apps calculate the best route for each driver to speed up traffic flow and reduce CO2 emissions.
1.OLED lights and surveillance in high-crime zones
2.Water-recycling systems, because while water covers 70% of the earth, we're not preserving the resource the way we should.
3.A city guide app, with information about museums, parks, landmarks, public art, restaurants and real-time traffic data.
Lucknow must have an extensive piped gas delivery system as no modern smart city uses gas cylinder which are dangerous, too heavy, inconvenient to transport and load. Cylinders also promote black marketing and other illegal activities like using household gas cylinders for commercial purposes. Currently only a limited area in Lucknow has piped gas facility. This must be expanded rapidly and the expansion should be done in a professional manner.