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Smart City Port Blair

Smart City Port Blair
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Oct 19, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Nov 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
प्रस्तुतियाँ समाप्त हो चुके

Andaman and Nicobar Islands Union Territory is one of the two island territories of the Republic of India. The Island territory holds great significance due to its natural beauty ...

Andaman and Nicobar Islands Union Territory is one of the two island territories of the Republic of India. The Island territory holds great significance due to its natural beauty and geo-strategic position in the Bay of Bengal. Due to its colonial history and welcoming policies of the administration the territory has a true multicultural identity and has a sobriquet ‘Mini India’. Port Blair is the main city in the territory and reflects this identity. Even though the population is not very high vis-a-vis the other main Indian Cities, Port Blair is the lifeline for all the people of Andaman and Nicobar Islands owing to its better infrastructure and connectivity.

Port Blair City is one among the cities that is selected for the Smart Cities Mission Challenge by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. The Andaman and Nicobar Administration is in the process of preparing the Smart City Proposal (SCP) for competing with the other selected cities in the country. Citizen participation will play a major role during the preparation of the SCP. The ANI administration seeks the views and opinions of its citizens to be considered for its inclusion in the SCP that will be submitted to the Ministry of Urban Development. This platform serves as an effective means to reach out to the residents of Port Blair City by providing a forum for productive discussions that emerge out of the living experiences, ideas and solutions for issues that are faced by the city residents. While airing their views, the residents are requested to maintain focus and understand the concept of Smart City by visiting the webpage:http://smartcities.gov.in/faqs.htm

The last date to submit your suggestions/ comments is 31st October, 2015.

फिर से कायम कर देना
150 सबमिशन दिखा रहा है
Awadhesh Saxena 9 साल 3 महीने पहले

मोदी जी मै आपसे कुछ कहना चाहता हूँ आप देस के लिये कुछ कहना चाहते है तो आपको कुछ नया करना होगा इस तरह आप कुछ भी नही कर सकते आप को नई सोच के साथ काम करना होगा आपको हर संसदीय क्षेत्र में पांच पांडव रखनें होगेजो आपके सभी काम को अच्छी तरह सेदेख सकेंगे जो हर तरह से संपनं हो ज्ञानी हो इमानदार हो ताकतवर हो काम करने बाले हो इन सबको आप का साथ हो हर तरह
की इनकी सुरक्षा हो और इनको कुछ अधिकार दो जिससे वो अचछा काम कर सके आपका कोई भी सांसद काम नही करता है


debishree 9 साल 3 महीने पहले

1.more greenery
2.pay and use public toilets at every bus stands, markets etc
3.roaming and grazing of pets at public places which make the place dirty
4.boost up entertainment system like cinema halls, malls, food courts, branded showrooms
5.island is gifted with beaches facilities should be made to make it more happening even during night time .

ANKIT SHARMA_97 9 साल 3 महीने पहले

there are no buildings as high as 5 storey. if we want to make satna as a smart city we firstly make new buildings as high as 5 buildings like big cities.
and there are no beautiful gardens and visiting places, so I request to make here beautiful buildings and visiting places.
and here not any theaters for entertainment like a smart city we should work for it.
Thanking you sir.
yours faithfully
Ankit Sharma

neeraj_81 9 साल 3 महीने पहले

Good morning sir , Port BLAIR CITY has it all that is needed to make it smart, but there are things that needs to be mandatory deployed, developed and harvested. Telecom Sector is it's major drawback and worst nightmare, which affects almost every department/sector, whether personal, private or cooperate.Although BSNL and Airtel has over a decade presence in these islands , but to say they did nothing exceptional to improve Internet connectivity.In the time of 4G , we get here is E.

swaminathan_6 9 साल 3 महीने पहले

River linking,River as National property,River/ Water body poluting should be declared as Criminal offence.Every industry should have water treatment plant before draining water out into Nalla.
Now Rivers are poluted,Ground water is also ppoluted by Industry.your ernest interference would help the Nation & life of people.
Hospitals thriv because of polutions & bad quality of water.if you can do some thing,employment will increase,& quality of people too will increase.

swaminathan_6 9 साल 3 महीने पहले

Development of A&N should be only tourist place.aBasic needs of water- from desalination,Sewarage treatment plant into reusabale water should be priority.Raising land level artificially at least by 10 ft from 20 mts from coast line is also important. All smart cities should have special power,litter free zone,punishable offences,etc only few reputed developers should be given places for development.

GURU SWAMY 9 साल 3 महीने पहले

Hon'ble Prime Minister
For a hungry child mother will never make him to wait till cooking of most delicious food instead she provides readily available food immediately. similarly for a hungry nation like ours we need some immediate solution atleast for one problem.Hence we suggest try to remove the scarcity of water by putting efforts in conversion of ocean water which is abundantly available in the country at fee of cost.

GURU SWAMY 9 साल 3 महीने पहले

Hon'ble Prime Minister
Need of the hour is to have a separate Tax Practitioners Bill for Indirect Taxation. with the fastest and only one growing economy in the globe the existing number of Chartered Accountants are not sufficient to handle the Indirect Taxation issues moreover indirect taxation more particularly GST needs continues watch and compliance which CA's cannot perform. Further to protect the decades old profession needs a statute support,for a guideline,ethics in the interest of all