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Smart City Vision for Mangaluru through People's Participation
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 21, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Oct 06, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
The City “Mangaluru” in Karnataka has been selected as one of the Smart Cities to be developed under the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India's Smart City ...
Vision Statement Smart City Mangaluru
A tourist city globally attracted with magnificent beaches,hilly terrain. Dignity and harmony amidst diversity in culture,language,religion. Economic, Social,cultural,service activities driven by digital telecommunication networks, generating income sustainable, to all section of citizens,improved quality of life .A safe and secure place for residents and visitors.
i wish to see Mangaluru setting as an example as how a smart city should be
with well planned infrastructure, roads, clean water supply, proper drainage, play areas for children & with efficient functioning of various Govt agencies, increasing the green coverage of the city. & creating an air harmony.
As of now none of the above are functioning to our satisfactory levels.
to add to this Rules and legislation are only meant for the people who follow it, whereas the others are exempted from it
My Vision: Mangalore to become one of the most vibrant economic centres in the world and also a guiding force to the world in the field of culture and spirituality.
“To be the most beautiful city with a stellar attraction where every individual would like to be associated with pride and dignity. City which is self-sustained, dependable and resourceful for generations to flourish.”
A mangaloreans vision of namma smart Mangaluru.
Vision Statement is the first step towards grasping the opportunities and breaking down silos, to ensure mangalore has the most prosperous future possible.”
I want my Mangaluru city where I go to work walking; my children go to school walking; parks for recreation for my parents, pollution free air to breathe, water in my taps,electricity in my wire, sustainable development by clean energy and enviornment, jobs for all. A city where garbage is worth a dime and waste water is invisible. A city where government responds to its citizens on real time basis; where solutions are smart and problems look dumb. A modern city which cherishes its culture.
A mangaloreans vision of namma smart Mangaluru.
As part of smart city i suggest more connectivity and social decentralisation. Build BRIDGE 1.between adyar and pavoor
2.between inoli and parangipete
so that locals of konaje and around can reach highway where transport facilities are plenty.
3.between bajal and amblamogaru.
So that these areas become links rather than dead ends.
People can work smart than hard