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Tune in to 102nd Episode of Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 18th June 2023

Tune in to 102nd Episode of Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 18th June 2023

इस बात के लिए टिप्पणियाँ बंद हो गईं।
NamannavarPradeepBhimaji 1 year 7 महीने पहले

On 26.05.2014 Shri Modiji taken as oath of Prime Minister of India. This government achieved followings during 9 yrs.
One nation one tax - GST
Ujwala Gas Yojana for Poor people
Krushi Bima Yojana for farmers
Celebrating International Yoga Day.
Beti Padau Beti Bachau.
Mahila Sabalikaran
Now India is leading as world leader. UN declared our P.M. Shri Modiji is Wold leader.
This government has been given more Importance for Defence. (Army Navy Air force).
Great Achievement in Satellites.
G 20 Presidentship for India.
Solar system Implemented.
Motivation to students who are appearing for Examination.
In Sports: Our prestigious nations players has been countineussly winning Gold Medals and Silver Medals.
Ayushman Bharat schemes Implemented.
Our Export has been increased.
Startup Projects Implemented.
New Jobs generated in different fields.
So many Garib Kalyan yojana for Poor people of our nation.

Pradeep B Namannavar

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 1 year 7 महीने पहले

on social media or any other platform
abusing anybody on giving woman body parts comment as _ abuse
mus be punishable
why such kund of language used...
if anybody having issues sort it with proper agencies
or do debate on
fact analysis based _ unless untill it will amount 2 crime
u know _ all woman r same on body parts
nature has given identity as human being
whether male or famle & on natural ground
both structure r same & 4 what intented on earth
r same inside body function r same
then why abusing such way shows own
mental intellectual...narrowness
without woman world won't....

& India who beside own religion who fought 4
opponent woman rights & aware their right/ freedom
& if woman decide fight 4 their own right
definitely not only govt but society will stand 4 her
India r so broad hearted & humanity aspect
none freedom & right fexibican seen in any other
world ....
so awake woman fight 4 self very well know 2 own
life & wht kind of life u r living
at least...

SACHIN KUMAR B 1 year 7 महीने पहले

Honorable Prime Minister of India,

I would like to suggest regarding precautionary acts to be taken care of rainfall during rainy season. A couple of days ago, two persons passed away due to negligence of themselves, towards tourists places. So requesting you to take necessary actions like increasing the coastal life guards and security systems.

Pankaj Pathak_61
Pankaj Pathak 1 year 7 महीने पहले

आदरणीय मोदी जी,
दुनिया में योगदिवस तो आपने शुरू करवा दिया। लाकडाउन की वैक्सीनभी आपने सबको फ्री में लगवा दी इसके लिए आपका बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद। आप तो जानते ही हैं कि इसी दौरान हमारे परिवार के भविष्य यानी कि हमारी युवापीढ़ी फेसबुक इन्स्टाग्राम गेम्स और ना जाने क्या क्या बिना पिता माता दादा दादी की आज्ञा लिए चुपके-चुपके प्ले स्टोर से डाउनलोड करके इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं और माता पिता या परिवार के अन्य सदस्यों के द्वारा पकड़े जाने से पहले फिर मोबाइल में डिलीट कर देते हैं और फिर फ्री में डाउनलोड कर लेते हैं इससे उनमें अपराध भाव इसी अवस्था से पनप रहा है और बड़ों को बेवकूफ़ बनाने की प्रवृत्ति उनके मन-मस्तिष्क में जन्म ले रही है यदि उनके इस कृत्य पर पाबंदी नहीं लगी तो हमारे देश का भविष्य अंधकारमय हो जाएगा
आपसे निवेदन है कि कुछ न कुछ ऐसा तरीका निकाला जाए कि मां बाप भी जानतेरहे मोबाइलसे क्या फेसबुकइन्स्टाग्राम गेम्स और भी बहुत कुछ क्या क्या डिलीट हुआ उसका एक मेल मांबाप की आईडी पर आ जाए इस बात का भय बच्चोंमेंबनेसाथहीसाथएकबारडिलीटहोनेकेबादमांबाप से ऐपकापैसालेकरदुबारायूजकरसकें
पंकज पाठक

Abhishek Rane
Abhishek Rane 1 year 7 महीने पहले

The latest update i found important recently was about all our आपदा प्रबंधन ministers approached by our Home Minister.

Root Cause Analysis of any disaster, to be pushed in time to Resolution
and Longterm prevention
and if lapses found that lead to the disaster then vigilant Disciplinary actions
and to complete the circle the Compensation to the victims are quintessential.

How is it that the Odisha Train disaster showed clear lapses even to be mentioned in the most general source of info as wiki but No News yet covering the vital vigilant steps above!?

The PM must address to this in time coz delay only makes things worse!

ChinuKwatra 1 year 7 महीने पहले

Dr. Chinu Kwatra is a 33-year-old humanitarian who
was born and brought up in Thane. He is the founder of
Khushiyaan Foundation who through his exceptional
work is inspiring millions with his life mantra of ‘Insaan
Bano! Bohot Scope Hai!’. Countless efforts of Chinu since
last 8 years towards the well-being of society were
recognized by Sorbonne University, which granted him
a Ph.D. in Social Welfare. Today he is recognized
internationally. This extraordinary human is also a world
record holder for cleaning and taking care of Mumbai’s
beautiful beaches. Recently the glory of all these years
of hard work and dedication of Dr. Chinu and his team
were brought to the world stage when Mr. Maniesh
Paul during his celebrity appearance on the grand
stage of “Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC)” announced
that his entire earnings from the show would be
donated to ‘Khushiyaan Foundation’.

He was always considered an Underdog by many but today that
has become his strength now.

Anurag Shukla 1 year 7 महीने पहले

We should think to do electoral reforms to weed out black money.We have to do judicial reforms to make it affordable for common men & speedy trial.We need uniform civil code for equal justice.We need police reforms for efficient, honest, people friendly police.We need administrative reforms so that Centre could make tailor made policies for target people, districts at centre's level.All these needed to make qualitative changes in common man live.

Shakti Mandal
MANDAL 1 year 7 महीने पहले

आदरणीय सभी को सादर प्रणाम
मै भ्रषटाचार के बारे मे कुछ कहना चाहता हु ।
बसिरहाट पंशचिम वंगाल मे कुछ गुस खोर पुलिस अधिकारी अपराधीयो के साथ मीले हुये है और कुछ धुस रुपये के लिये वेगुनाह ईन्सानो लोगो पर अत्याचार करती है यहा तक की बेगुनाह लोगो के जीबन के साथ खेलती है और कुछ वाम फ्रन्ट ,cpm,sfi ,Tmc पाटी क्रमचारी अपराधीयो के साथ मिल के बेगुनाह लोगो पर अत्याचार करती है और मानव अधीकार आयोग कोई भि केस पुलिस को देती है और पुलिस अपराधीयो को कुछ नही करती उल्टा वेगुनाह लोगो पर अत्याचार करती है । क्या हम एक अलग दल बना सकते है जो की राज्य सरकार के पुलिस क्रमचारी के काम काज पर नंजर रखेगी ऐव्म गल्त करने पर उसे रोकेगी और पुलिस क्रमचारीयो के संमपत्ती की जाच करेगी। उसे सजा दिलबायेगी नया दल बनाने से रोजगाड़ बड़ेगा और भ्रषटाचार भी बहुत कम हो जायेगी