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Tune in to 102nd Episode of Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 18th June 2023

Tune in to 102nd Episode of Mann Ki Baat by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 18th June 2023

इस बात के लिए टिप्पणियाँ बंद हो गईं।
SALlL AGARWAL 1 year 7 महीने पहले

Padma awards to be preferably given to on priority basis for last Atma Nirbhar Citizens in last level BPL catagory living with no or minimal economic and social support and are self sustainable for own family , society and community . Achivement shall be judged for remarkable performance zero economic and social burden on goverment and nation with own customs , traditional and cultural and business skills delevering maximum life and living productivity and full participation in democratic process including good governance.

Sudhir Patidar_9
Sudhir Patidar 1 year 7 महीने पहले

आदरणीय महोदय,
किसान हित मे विभिन्न फसलो पर न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य बढ़ाया गया है पर खरीद केंद्रों की संख्या बहुत कम होती है। यदि ग्रामीण अंचलों में लेम्प्स के माध्यम से ख़रीदी हो जाये तो ओर सुविधा होती।
साथ ही कृषि आधारित उपकरणों पर GST कम होना चाहिए । जिससे किसानों को सुविधा हो।

Muthuselvam Gugan
Muthuselvam D 1 year 7 महीने पहले

All departments should keep their list of experts ready.Identify experts and communicate with them in some way.
Just as there is a separate page for departmental ministry employees on the departmental website, separate pages should also be created for professionals.
State-wise experts should be identified across the country and the department should be sent to study state-level departmental work and to study non-officials for educational and research projects.
National level meetings should be held annually between senior officials of the Ministry and experts, who are making best performers at the national level.The opinions of the experts in the respective fields and the primary contributors at the national level should be obtained directly and online through the Bills sent to the Standing Committees of the Parliament.Parliamentary Standing Committees can get additional input if they know the full list of experts in their respective fields.A national list of experts should be created

amar narayan sharma 1 year 7 महीने पहले

Resp PM sir,jai hind,I am a pensioner.My pension was curtailed by my Department.I approached court,Almost 10 yrs passed but I am struggling for justice.I am touching 70 now and god knows how long I survive.One day situation will come "justice delayed ,justice denied for ever.
Number of verdicts have come in favour of petitioners of similar case but Administration is always finding some excuse or loop hole in the order.
I humbly request you sir to kindly set a court for Retired Employees.We pensioners will be highly obliged.Thanking you,
Amar Sharma, SEA(Retired),Doordarshan ,Jabalpur,MP

Georgie s cherian_1
Georgie s cherian_1 1 year 7 महीने पहले

Declaring drone squadron in the defense force in india can establish peace & security.

India complete with other nation on drone technology & had a indigenoussly develop.wide range of Attack drone , surveillance drone , multipurpose sletch drone , predator for armed forces using light & heavy drone of DRDO , HAL Garuda , TATA & other startup company.

Establishing the Drone Squadron in the defense can do many military excercise making more drone usage in India for combat operation & research work . At present private Swamp drone companies & DRDO can function together with the support of new squadron in India

These squadron can revise the ageing jet planes of MIG 25 , 21 series to drones for longer range operation & increase pay load

In india drone squadron give security to all parliament houses & govt offices. Drone can operated for Prime minister stadium meeting , road shows, ,big events of India, drone in combat operation giving support to ground force than plane

Deepali Hingne
Deepali Hingne adv 1 year 7 महीने पहले

2 boost economy
more employment & in business entrepreneur
mini micro level work
& with nature preserve conserve
animal cate taker
water pollution
cleanliness need money
& mentality 2 escape from such freebies & greed
huge corruption
why not do equal & complete
command instead of state 2 Bank
who will provide money in verious section
by where people donate money
& no govt will give give money 2 any religious

this temple donate money will equal share holder in
verious work _ infrastructure development
& most important
health & ecmduaction
1 Nation 1 school

health do 1
university of Health
where will work with yoga / pranayam
सनातन therapy which will work
mentality emotionally strong

do सनातन धर्म/ शिक्षण विश्वविद्यालय
where will all old manuscript & who wanna serve
duty _ escon

economy _ work like old
diversity business opportunity
& such Contradiction found in country
will also be indirect help in economy
before I said _ shops r arewise

VishwanathKotekar 1 year 7 महीने पहले

Change Maker level
Respected sir,
An active participant in myGov is able to reach the Change Maker level on reaching 100000 points, also on crossing the levels of Enthusiastic (4 levels),Discoverer (4 levels), Influencer (4 levels), Champion (4 levels) n ultimately level no.17, Change Maker. Now there are good number of active participants with the level of Change Maker, some of them with several lacs points.
No doubt different levels are fixed earlier with ultimate level of Change Maker.
Hence now to give further encouragement to those who crossed Change Maker level, I suggest that additional levels after Change Maker level may be fixed for those reaching 200000 points, 500000 points, 1000000 etc. I also suggest that those who reached Change Maker level may be issued with a digitally signed certificate.
Sir, you have encouraged us to participate actively during all these years. Thank you very much sir.
With kind regards and respects

seema jain 1 year 7 महीने पहले

R/pm sr,its great pleasure to meet you with this maan ki baat I am a teacher,being a teacher,a woman,I saw,feel too mch obstacles in girls way compared to boys in village no one want to her take a admission in college,I want to start a new project which justice to those girls who really want to stand on foot only obstacles of resources, 2ndly,in mid day meal also provide them a glass of milk,medical kit ,sentry pads,etc
