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Expanding Mental Health Helplines
Theme: Accessible mental health support saves lives.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Highlight the importance of mental health helplines.
Brief Solution: Increase the number of 24/7 helplines, train counselors, and raise public awareness about these services.
Promoting Clean Cooking Solutions
Theme: Clean cooking improves health and reduces emissions.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Encourage the use of cleaner alternatives like LPG and biogas.
Brief Solution: Expand subsidies for clean cooking fuels, promote electric stoves, and provide training on their use.
Fostering India’s Space Start-Ups
Theme: Private participation in space can boost innovation.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Discuss policies encouraging private investment in space.
Brief Solution: Simplify regulations for space start-ups, create funding opportunities, and support public-private collaborations.
Encouraging Green Manufacturing
Theme: Sustainable manufacturing is the future of industries.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Promote the adoption of eco-friendly practices in industries.
Brief Solution: Provide incentives for green technologies, set emission reduction targets, and conduct awareness programs for manufacturers.
Protecting India’s Mangroves
Theme: Mangroves are natural defenses against climate change.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Discuss efforts to conserve mangrove ecosystems.
Brief Solution: Ban deforestation in mangrove areas, promote mangrove restoration projects, and involve local communities in conservation.
Empowering Women in STEM Fields
Theme: Women’s representation in STEM is crucial for innovation.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Highlight initiatives to increase women’s participation in STEM careers.
Brief Solution: Provide scholarships for STEM courses, mentor women scientists, and promote flexible work policies for STEM professionals.
Combating Urban Heat Islands
Theme: Rising temperatures in cities affect health and productivity.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Talk about measures to mitigate urban heat.
Brief Solution: Increase urban green cover, promote reflective roofing materials, and encourage the use of water bodies in urban planning.
Supporting Elderly Entrepreneurs
Theme: Age should not be a barrier to entrepreneurship.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Encourage senior citizens to start small businesses.
Brief Solution: Provide loans tailored for elderly entrepreneurs, create mentorship programs, and reduce paperwork for senior applicants.
Enhancing Disaster Preparedness in Schools
Theme: Preparing students for emergencies saves lives.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Highlight the importance of disaster education in schools.
Brief Solution: Conduct regular drills, include disaster management in curriculums, and provide schools with emergency kits.
Expanding India’s Agri-Tech Start-Ups
Theme: Technology can revolutionize agriculture.
Suggestions for the Honourable PM : Discuss the role of start-ups in modernizing farming.
Brief Solution: Offer grants for agri-tech innovations, build rural incubators, and connect farmers with tech solutions.