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Inviting Comments on the Draft National Policy for Women 2016
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
May 17, 2016
अंतिम तिथि :
Jun 21, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Nearly a decade and half has passed since the National Policy for Empowerment of Women, 2001 was formulated. Since then significant strides in global technology and information ...
This is totally abserd policy. As per constitution of india, there should not be any biaseness due to gender or color. Then why the policy is so against men? Policy have used word male sterilisation, is it not wrong? Instead of working on real issues of woman's, these ministry is working against men's. In the name of empowering one gender, you can not pass policies which violates other gender's rights.
If this policy passes, then I am not going to vote this government.
Stop making gender biased laws in favour of women now. There are already several laws in favour of women which are being mis-used against men and which is breaking our society.
Sorry for posting my reply so late as I was working for over 12 hours today to earn my living which I spend on my family. I am a common man.
Please do not make our lives any more tougher by making gender biased laws. We all have right to equality and special treatment to any particular gender will only distort the harmony of the society. If you want to empower women then work on ensuring education & skill development. Also, have some policy to ensure welfare of man as well. We are human too.
The policy is completely anti male and anti human and should be discarded outright. It's very sad and shameful that such a draft with venom against males has been drafted. It's not women empowerment but it is complete hatred against men. Are boys not children? Are male not human? why this discrimination?
In my opinion, this policy will be a tool towards a manless or in fact male less society.I think nutrition, education etc should be a right of a child, there is no point to have gender discrimination in everything. There are laws and ministries to take care most of the suggested areas, even if govt start working on those pre existing policies, the results will come. Our objective should be to take society in a direction where every one will be treated equally. Reservation Will ruin it
I'm mother of 2 dr sons: elder MBBS doms (eye dr), younger MBBS dmre (radiology)
daughter in law MBBS da dnb anaesthesia have filed false DV CASE against a drs mother in law wit full false & frivolous allegations. bcos of which my whole family is broke & disturbed.. MODI GOVT TOLD ACHE DIN
Stop biassed approach & killing men. Do betterment of society insteed of dividing them. Scrap biassed laWS. Give equal
Dear Sir/ Madam
There is no doubt in anybody's mind that Govt is working for women with one motive ie VoteBank.
My suggestions is dont make law, it ll be misused heavily like #498a & Dimestic Violence. After 10-15-20 years probably Men/General category/ Taxpayers would be big votebank and u ll face similar fate like Congress today.
Instead of law u should do campaign like SwachBharat / LPG giveup / BetiBachaoBetiPadhao .More ppl ll be educated with this.
Plz consider Male as ur ppl.
Thro' such uneithical gender biased laws,u r takin India from a stage of cultural sanctity to cultural degeneration.Marriage in cases is a money making racket 4 women,boys & their families live in terror in several cases,al because of such gender biased laws,which don't have any provision for punishing its abuse.Additionally, cops and judges (ones encountered) make a mockery of the constitution & the law process. When it comes to a woman, evidences in many cases take a toss & so do SC verdicts
This policy is totally gender biased, this country will destroy the existence of men if such policies are drafted. Look at the farther end where I can see this being misused by women and make men suffer from this. Today itself there are lot of fake cases in the name of dowry, domestic violence, maintenance which are being misused by women for their own benefits. I hope this government is sensible enough to not make such mistakes from which the coming generation of men would suffer.