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Inviting Comments on the Draft National Policy for Women 2016
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
May 17, 2016
अंतिम तिथि :
Jun 21, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Nearly a decade and half has passed since the National Policy for Empowerment of Women, 2001 was formulated. Since then significant strides in global technology and information ...
we have ministry for Women, children , even for animals
why do we not have ministry for MEN?
Kindly do not make such gender biased Law which destroy India Family system completely .
Overall this policy is biased & attack on indian men & men's rights. This policy is just to disciminate men.
PMOIndia when you say "mahila sashaktikaran" does not means sue men's without fault? Instead, remove 498a, Maintenance laws which are grossly misused.
Please go through attachment, thanks in advance. Kindly think men & their parents too.
I would request Modi ji to keep a close eye on such policies so that we men do not suffer more and are not tortured further in future in the name of women protection, so that we can contribute more to make india a developed nation rather wasting our energy in fighting false cases under Dowry harrasement and Protection of Women from domestic violence law.
such useless laws provide no provision to prosecute a woman, who filed false cases.
Gender discrimination against men should not be the agenda of such policies.
we all have men and women both in our family. while making any rule, policy or law for women, the government must ensure that it is not working against men and should not look like working under the pressure of feminists.
A statement by our honourable WCD minister "All domestic violence is only caused by men" was very disappointing. looks as if she isnt updated on latest news.
About legal entitlements, we already aware of what massacre one sided laws have caused to the society. The number of frivolous complaints are on the rise and more and more innocent guys are being sent behind bars. This is a great injustice them and the country as it looses out on its working population. Crime by women is still being subdued and are not being taken seriously. Violence on men is increasing day by day but no protection in law. 90000 men are committing suicide but no studies on them
this policy is violating or shall b vviolator aarticle 21 Constitution of India.
dear current government officials you are servant of public. if u Wil draft policy on Gender Biased coming elections Wil show ur path& already recently elections have shown ur way.
so think 1000 times b4 drafting such biased policies
WCD minister is totally biased& taking revenge of her husband death from current indian society.
last but not least this govt shall think in benefit of families as whole.
Indian Law system is so much appreciable.
Thanks a lot to law makers and protesting women from all aspects.
At the same time the law is getting misused by women.
I have learnt a story of "BHASMASURA" in my childhood.
The same thing is happening in our country.
If it is go on in this way.....
No more days are left for corruption to take place and destroy the men's world.
There are so many women and children ruining because of fake cases.
Please amend those laws which are killing humanity.
Personally, I believe that it is shameful that even a draft policy can have preferential treatment to women and girls who are disabled. Is that not already covered under policies for disabled. Such is the mindset of the policy that it seems to state that a disabled women / girl is more important and has to be given preference over a disabled man / boy. Where other countries are working towards gender neutral laws, India seems to be going the opposite way, or is it possibly the vote bank way
why male are alws ignored as all laws are gender biased why their is no fund for boys like nirbhaya.why boys have to pay more tax and shool fees.on may tea stall boys are working ahy dey are not been protect.need to do something for boys.if u give more empowerment to girls boys will disaaper like dinasour.need to think before its too late