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Inviting Comments on the Draft National Policy for Women 2016
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
May 17, 2016
अंतिम तिथि :
Jun 21, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Nearly a decade and half has passed since the National Policy for Empowerment of Women, 2001 was formulated. Since then significant strides in global technology and information ...
Sir, all educational institutions & work places should have group monitors for regular counselling - discussion & if needed professional counsellors. Peer supervision, community care - surveillance, at least one policewoman at all police stations - not necessarily all women stations, mediation centres - counselling centres, toll free help lines with informer protection, will help. Mutual respect amongst people marks a cultured & evolved civilization, which is what we should strive for.
Our society still puts all responsibility on men. Giving undue advantage to women will be detrimental.Women still does not accept low earning/no earning men for marriage and looks for men earning higher than them. Thus, snatching education and jobs from men will increase crime in society. Secondly, men are more prone to most diseases than women, men die earlier then women at average and due to responsibilities men ignore their health. Thus, it's men who need better health care than women.
This policy is against basics of Constitution, which gives equal right to everyone irrespective of caste creed and sex.
However, there are many biased laws , already in favour of women, on the name of women empowerment. This new policy is totally biased and one sided. Already men r being harrased bcoz of the existing laws like 498a, domestic voilence etc. This new law promoting surrogate mother n single mother policy will ruin the indian family system. Kindly do not let it pass.
All women are making false claims of dowry laws and creating problems for men and husbands family members.
Please stop such practices in laws and punish all women those are filing fake allegations against husbands and their family members.
This draft seems to have been drafted without adequate though process going into it with a sole purpose of female appeasement. The draft lacks clarity as it has not addressed the issues related to misuse of processessystems laws. The bias is clear as the draft has failed to address the needs of even the male infacts male child.The draft has failed to address the burning issue of misuse of various matrimonial laws. We urge the government to re-look the entire draft inline with attached
Also, kindly walk into pubs, bars, fashion shows to understand that the 'abla naari' in many case is even more forward thinking than many men. Happy to take and post pics over time if u suggest. Also, kindly walk into pubs, bars, fashion shows to understand that the 'abla naari' in many case is even more forward thinking than many men. Happy to take and post pics over time if u suggest.
PLease see attachment
Surprising that on one hand you desire equality for women and on the other you bring down their self respect by having gender specific laws. You have failed to address issue of misuse and abuse of law by women which has been on the rise. Such women need to be punished strongly. And guess what - many judges are already favor women and totally disregard laws and evidences and even fail to follow SC judgments as they believe she is 'abla naari'. Against Article 14, 15(1), 20, 21 of Constitution
Please make/ modify laws towards gender equality. To save families and tradition of Bharat. Otherwise it's cruising to become a western photocopy.
The law is already highly biased towards women.The need of hour is to make the law gender neutral. The guilty irrespective of gender should be punished for doing anything that put the future of the relationship at stake.