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सभी उच्च शिक्षण संस्थानों के आवधिक मूल्यांकन और प्रत्यायन के सुदृढ़ीकरण हेतु सुधारों पर सुझाव आमंत्रित
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
May 22, 2023
अंतिम तिथि :
Jun 22, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
भारत सरकार की वर्तमान मान्यता और रैंकिंग प्रणाली में बढ़ती चिंताओं ...
The University Grants Commission (UGC) has asked all higher education institutions to permit students to write exams in their mother tongue, even if their medium of instruction was English. The move is meant to promote regional languages.
The letter, written by UGC Chairman M. Jagadesh Kumar, was sent to vice-chancellors of all higher education institutions Wednesday.
Explaining the thought behind the move, the chairman told ThePrint, “The idea behind the move comes from NEP (National Education Policy) 2020, which advocates learning through local/mother tongue. Many students, although studying in English medium, find it difficult to express themselves clearly in English. This provides them an opportunity to write their answers freely.”
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The commission has suggested that universities promote translation
Name:- Ankan Paul
District:- Uttar Dinajpur, State:- West Bengal
Under the current system of accreditation, the low level of willingness of HEIs to volunteer for this process continues to be a cause of concern,” it said. “Plurality of all-encompassing information, much of which may not be completely applicable for diverse categories of HEIs, as well as the cumbersome and tiresome process are concerns on subjectivity in the processes, and inconsistencies between assessment by different agencies.
Significant penalty for wrong submissions and ensuring public disclosure of relevant data by HEIs, to enhance the overall process-credibility.
Accredit with due consideration for inputs, processes, outcomes and impact across different attributes of HEI.
Transformative Reforms for Strengthening Periodic Assessment and Accreditation of All Higher Educational Institutions in India” has suggested designing a ‘Unified Elicitation Tool’ to collect superset of data from HEIs for varied purposes with single-point data entry by institutions and provision for yearly updates for accreditation and assessment, and rankings.
The irony is even the poster for suggestions for reforms includes only women is there no Men studying in India? or are they only used to create only villian images across India?
22.The European influence of Women empowerment which collapsed the British Army,Administrative systems is now coming up in India so banning students who studied abroad to work as lawyers,Judges,planning commission will also help
23.Avoid sponsoring IIT,IIM,AIIMS,ARTS,LAW students let them pay fees and get educated as they are anyway going to work in foreign countries else if you sponsor using Indian tax payers money make them work compulsory in India for 25 years an IITseat is worth 1 crore but thees foreign flyers pay only 10to12 lakh
24.Just like Medicine,make a exam for engineering,arts,law of they study abroad to practice in India and Mainly law students,from foreign should be monitored
26.NRI,OCI students should be strictly monitored as they cause cultural damage to India so dress code is mandatory
19.No new girls only colleges and schools should be given permissions because there will be no equal opportunity for men and Men's right to education is questioned with these types of colleges,so either ban these women only colleges or open boys only colleges on par with girls colleges
20.NCERT books are biased and showing texts favoring to women and softly discriminating Boys at their tender age therefore the entire NCERT books should be given a strict checkup and editing activity by Male teachers and professionals befor being published such using boys image for don't do type images and using girls image for helping man cross a road what Kind of education is NCERT trying to teach
21.Now discriminating Men is called as Women empowerment what kind of India we live in:
1.Sukanya Savings scheme only for girls child where will boys till 21 years go
2.Free scholarship only to women and instructs men donot apply
3.Frees buses to women,Free coaches to women,enough is enough Be unbiased
My suggestions are:
14.Life educations such as how to book bus ticket,irctc ticket ticket,visa,,how to write Gmail,how to respect fellow citizens,public transport behaviour,how to book a parcel,how to pay bills on time,waste disposal should be taught to students
15.Senior teachers should talk only about the subject and not their personal stories and asking students for personal stories
16.Women should be educated to avoid misuse of divorce,using harrasment as weapon to spoil Men education,and using safety for women as a Trump card and educated to gain a seat or job using merit and not using women only apply and using right to equality just for namesake purposes ,and be taught even men have right to equality and right to job
17.Banning Male students and Men to board a train station after school hours and working hours is not at a sign of healthy democracy students should be taught that
18.Grievance cell for Men also should be set up for Male students in colleges with only Male staff
My suggestions are:.
1.Compulsory sports curriculum everyday should be included
2.Colleges and Hostel buildings should be clearly checked every year before new batch starts
3.Placement records should be checked for every batch
4.Maximum Fees capex should be fixed by government even for management quota
5.Classrooms and labs should be centralised or should be provided with adequate ventilation facility based on student capacity
6.Teachers and lab professionals should be trained every year by government and their skills should be tested by exam
7.separate gates for men and women entry and exits and gathering of more than 3 people should be banned in colleges
8.No favorism to women should be given first bench for girls and women only apply for placements ,teachers should be banned
9.Women teachers favouring Girls and giving high marks to girls should stop and discrimination based on student handwriting should stop and random number without revealing name and gender should be followed
Post secondary institutions must teach Indians how to be practical. How to work more independently. How to show empathy to others. How to improve tone in communication with others.