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सभी उच्च शिक्षण संस्थानों के आवधिक मूल्यांकन और प्रत्यायन के सुदृढ़ीकरण हेतु सुधारों पर सुझाव आमंत्रित
![Inviting Suggestions on Reforms for Strengthening all Higher Educational Institutions Inviting Suggestions on Reforms for Strengthening all Higher Educational Institutions](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/mygov_1684754521112205841.png)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
May 22, 2023
अंतिम तिथि :
Jun 22, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
भारत सरकार की वर्तमान मान्यता और रैंकिंग प्रणाली में बढ़ती चिंताओं ...
. Technology enabled assessments for interactive learning experiement
Ok u like too music donation donation
इस गोरक्षक की जान गोमाता के रक्षण में गई है ।हम चाहते है की गोरक्षक को विशेष अधिकार तथा विशेष शस्त्र दिये जाए जिससे यह अपनी व गोमाता का रक्षण कर सके । ।जय माँ भारती ।
Combination of fields to form AI are:-
3-D Coordinate geometery
Physical mechanics
Programming similar to human brain
Education has become a business in india for good education one has to pay more fees , Tution fees ,private class fees .when there are schools,colleges what is need of private classes ,why a student has to take private class or Tutions .please ask this question to students and goverment will know the answer. In Government colleges also for certain professional course student is made to pay fees of college as well as open university fees. Education is not to be considered as Business it should be free and enterprenurship oriented not clerical based studies which british implemented
There is a need to add some practical knowledge with theoretical concepts.
Like in commerce stream we learn everything theoretically (e.g. investment, demat accounts, filling ITRs, how to calculate income tax and many more things) but when it comes to apply all these knowledge in real life we hesitate because of absence of practice.
Form my experience I think there should be one day in a week in every college on which teachers are giving some practical knowledge to students so they come to know that how actually things happen in real life.
It also add some value in there degree and there is no need for student to get these knowledge from any other institution and spend extra money in it.
. Shift towards holistic assessments that focus on students 360 degree development.
. Interdisciplinary learning for a well rounded education.
. Experimental project based assessments to foster creativity and innovation.
. Technology enabled assessments for interactive learning experiement
. Embrace innovative assessment formats beyond traditional exams.
. Distance learning programs & online scores to be equal to actual classes .
. practical education is important than only cramming theory.
. freedom to students to choose their favourite subjects.
. creating new jobs for the students studying psyco., socio., that dont have much scope in india
i have small process to reach what u want.
it can make big change
i want to discuss with ur permission
and surety that we will do
easy to use
make it big difference
i want to talk who can take action regarding this
jai hind 🙏🇮🇳
Medical post graduate education needs skilled competent teachers capable of handling the sophisticated expensive medical and surgical equipments provided by the government with intention to improve education of doctors and treatment of deserving poor patients. Periodic survey by auditing bodies to visit such higher centres and check this system honestly and take stringent action against those misusing and ruining the good purpose of the government